Friday, April 26, 2013

TeaSingTeaZers - The six fingers theory

Heyya fellas! here's another episode of TeaSingTeaZers, HAHAHAHA. apparently this is pretty catchy, this is the 4th episode guys. and not only that. there's a lot of changes around, especially the intro and the credits. so you better check those out! LOL, oh and I have a special guest around, his name is ryan jess inot. he is my former classmate. he's very cute yow, HAHAHAHA. he will be on the credits. so better watch out. LOL, oh and don't tease inot coz the things that I'm sayin' through words are not true and it's only for entertainin' you guys, BE SMART ok? and on the next episode I'll be showin' you TADZMIER. LOL, he's pretty awesome. well that's the time I got, do check out my other old wall posts guys if you missed any. and don't forget to leave your interestin' responsive comments on the comment section BELOW, and do visit again  guys. links are on the bottom if you wanna check out my other links and follow me on twitter. I'll follow you guys back, thank you guys and god bless you all. :))


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I have my twitter, Celebration time! XD

Howdy fellas! I finally have my own twitter account, look I know what I said. the "I hate tweetin' thing" but hey, I should give it a try though. HAHAHA, anyway. do follow me on twitter and on my vlog. If you'll  follow me I promise to follow you back. the link is down BELOW, oh and don't forget to scroll down to see my previous wall posts, and  leave you interesting responsive comments on the comment section BELOW. thanks for visitin' fellas, be safe and GOD BLESS and stay updated for more posts. ;))


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

Monday, April 22, 2013

TeaSingTeaZers - The tales of bellydrum

Howdy ya'll! man do I have a video for you. and it's rated SPG or somethin' like that. HAHAHA, just check it out guys if you wish, I mean. this is just once in a life time. it took us about 3 hours to finish this. men it's just harsh. but it was fun, too much FUN! to be exact. LOL, so anyway if you guys wanna check it out feel free, and do share if it's worth it, again if you missed any of my posts. just scroll down and go to the "OLDER POST" menu, and you can view my older posts. or you may also use the (V)Log archive. and please follow this site if you have the time, and one more thing. leave your interestin' responsive comment in the comment section BELOW! anyway, thanks guys, I sure appreciate your visit. and come back anytime! ok then, gotta go. see ya' guys. GOD BLESS and stay safe. :*


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

TeaSingTeaZers - The epic seaquel

Hello again fellas! well this here is the second episode of my web series, actually. this is my favorite. it's an epic thing to be exact, HAHAHAHA! well you guys just have to watch it so that you'll know what I'm talkin' about, I mean. I aint forcin' you to watch it, just watch it if you guys have the time. I wouldn't wanna spoil your free will ya' know! LOL, so hope you guys will like it. and do scroll down for more wall posts if you guys missed any. or you can check the (V)Log archive aswell. hmm, well to think of it. just use the (V)Log archive instead. It's more easy. well gotta go guys. thanks for everything and do share it if you think that it's worth to share. and just leave your interestin' responsive comments on the comment section BELOW! ok guys see ya next time. and do take care and may god bless you all, :*


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

TeaSingTeaZers - The Beginning

Heyya fellas! this here is my web show called 'TeaSingTeaZers", I uploaded this on youtube 3 weeks ago, and I think some of you already knows about this. or maybe not. HAHAHAHA, but anyway. this is my first and at-most episode of the whole series, we're doin' it every monday which is now, (April,22,13) but we'll do it, EVENTUALLY, I just hope that we could think of something to make you guys laugh. or just a glimpse of a simple giggle will have to do. oh and I almost forgot! happy monthsary Renzo! best wishes to you and your girlfriend. stay strong you love birds, but just to be specific guys. it's more of an "Love Humans" HAHAHA!, ok guys that's the time I got. thank you and if you guys missed a wall post. scroll down and take a look, ok thanks and godbless you guys. Love ya' :*


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

R/K/J - Corney

Hey hey hey fellas! how's it hanggin'? oh by the way. check out this song out. it's a love song. but hey! not because we covered this one doesn't mean I'm in love. ya' know what I'm sayin'? HAHAHAHA! anyway, hope you guys will like my shallow voice, It's quite annoying, LOL. oh and don't forget to check the previous wall posts if ever you missed one. oh and share it if you liked it. and please follow this site, thank you guys and god bless you all. :*


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

R/K/J - Piso mula sa puso

Hey fellas sup? here's a new music for ya'. hehehe, it's basically for the goverment, sa mga kurakot dyan! HAHAHA, anyway. listen to it guys if you wanna, and I hope you'll like it. my voice is kinda sturro, oh I don't know, LOL. oh and do follow this site thanks you guys, love ya' all :))


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

R/K/J - A.N.P

Hey fellas check this out!! hehehe, this are for those who takes children for granted. and by the way. (A.N.P) stands for 'Anak Ng P*uta', look. I know that the P word is quite bad, but if you'll understand the message. It's not that bad. the intro of this song is quite long. and the lyrics is short, but the content of this music is heavy. ok guys that's all I can say, till next time. oh and don't forget to follow this site. thanks and do take care. :*


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

R/K/J - Takin' you high ft. renzo

Hello again guys, this is our second song. actually english yan. HAHAHA!, I apologize for my bad english guys. I suck in english. literaly! LOL, anyway. I hope you'll like it guys. and thanks for lendin' your time just to read this. I'm so greatfull :))


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.

R/K/J - Karoling

Hey fellas, this is our first jammin' session, we got bored so we recorded our jammin' session and we made our own blog, I haven't made an introduction, so I'll base this as an INTRODUCTION, anyway. the purpose of this blog is to share all of our videos. that's pretty much it actually. and this is not just a blog. it is also a (V)log, or simply a video blog. hope you'll like it guys. I'll just post the updates on my facebook wall. thank you guys and hope you'll support this. :))


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Credits to : TeaSingTeaZers/RKJ/Santuario.